Mr. Jason Vogel wanted to send a word of thanks to all who in some way assisted in the evaluation of the Caribbean Agrometeorological Initiative. A peer-reviewed article was recently published based on the final report, and he hopes that you may find it interesting. He also wants to thank all for the time spent in assisting the projects. Since his record on this project are impaired by a corporate reorganization since the work was done, please feel free to send this along to any of your coworkers or others whom you think might be interested.
And a special thank you to Mr. Adrian Trotman, whose assistance in conducting this evaluation was invaluable.
Our new peer reviewed article is available on line here (currently in press, soon to be finalized):
The final report is available here: http://www.
Jason Vogel | Associate | Climate Change Specialist | Abt Associates
1881 Ninth Street, Suite 201 | Boulder, Colorado 80302
Office: 303.381.8225 | Mobile: 303.525.0832 |