AGRIMONITOR: Agricultural Policy, Food Security and Climate Change

We have several news that we are excited to share with you! First of all, we recently finished our latest edition of our MOOC "AGRIMONITOR: Agricultural Policy, Food Security and Climate Change", in which you could learn to analyze agricultural policies in Latin America and the Caribbean, and understand their relationship with food security, the environment and climate change. This course took place between May 25 and June 28, and brought together the efforts of several experts from the Bank and the region.

More than 2.800 students signed up for the English edition, and more than 5.100 for the Spanish edition in 2017. Participants who scored at least 90% in this course are now participating in our contest "Research with AGRIMONITOR". Each winner will receive up to US $ 10,000 to develop a research project on issues related to the MOOC.

Secondly, don't forget to dig into our updated database! We have included information from more countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, and updated the indicators of some of the countries that already were in our database. We invite you to visit our page and use its data to encourage dialogue and debate on agricultural policies in the region.

In addition, we are glad to announce that IDB's Agrimonitor is now part of the International Organisations' Consortium for Measuring the Policy Environment for Agriculture, called Agricultural Incentives Consortium, whose website, AgIncentives has been launched. AgIncentives aims to create a community of practice, to provide a harmonized and consolidated database on agricultural support on a global scale, and to provide a forum for discussion aimed at raising the quality and coverage of the available policy measures.

AgIncentives is an effort made by OECD, FAO, IDB, The World Bank, IFPRI, and CGIAR. In the followingvideo, you can learn more about this initiative.

The Environment, Rural Development, and Disaster Risk Management Division of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), in collaboration with the IDB Representation in Suriname, will held a seminar on Agricultural Policies in the Caribbean, which will be organized in Suriname, on July 25th, 2017.

The seminar will be an opportunity to gather policymakers from nine Caribbean countries (Barbados, Belize, Dominican Republic, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Suriname, The Bahamas, and Trinidad and Tobago) to discuss the analyses of agricultural policies conducted in recent years by the Bank and the Governments of the Caribbean countries. During the seminar, agricultural policy experts will present the results of the analyses, in addition to related studies on the determinants of agricultural productivity and growth and impact evaluations of specific agricultural policies implemented in Latin America and the Caribbean. The discussion will be helpful to feed the dialogue on agricultural policies in the region and further enhance their effectiveness and efficiency.

Last but not least, we have prepared a series of studies that analyze the state of the art in agricultural policies in several countries in the Caribbean. In this edition, we introduce you to a study conducted by William Foster, Alberto Valdés, Pedro Martel, and Carmine Paolo De Salvo, which provides a review of agricultural policies and current protection measures for agricultural and food products in Belize. Moreover, this monograph presents estimates on the levels of protection provided to 10 important Belizean crops: bananas, red beans, cacao, maize, onions, oranges, peppers (for hot sauce), poultry (chicken), rice, and sugar cane.
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